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Ceramic Plant Pot

Top Tip: If it's wobbly, let it rest and dry a bit. Overworked clay gets tired too!

Who are you?

Medina, Designer / Maker / Gardener, 29

What did you make?

A plant pot

Where did you make it?

Ceramic course

When did you do this?

May 2020

Why did you do it?

To make a plant pot that was inspired by West African Art History

How did you do it?

  1. This was a coil pot, which you build one layer at a time, sculpting as you go along, until leather dry.

  2. Holes were made in the bottom to allow for water to train, keeping plants in happy circulation.

  3. When solid enough, it is burnished by rubbing with a smooth tool to get a polished.

  4. It was then scratched and pigments added for decoration.

  5. Finally it is fired to create a solid final piece!

1 Comment

B Frazier
B Frazier
Sep 20, 2022

Sooo beautiful 😍. Amazing techniques and love the implementation of west African culture. Lovely Medina 🥰

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